Heavy! Statistics of wind power grid-connected operation in 2018 announced!

2019-02-13 09:33:56 浙江佑威新材料股份有限公司 Viewd 4351

According to industry statistics, in 2018, 20.59 million kilowatts of grid-connected wind power were added, and the cumulative grid-connected installed capacity reached 184 million kilowatts, accounting for 9.7% of the total installed power generation capacity. In 2018, wind power generated 366 billion kWh, accounting for 5.2% of the total power generation, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from 2017. In 2018, the average utilization hours of wind power nationwide was 2,095 hours, an increase of 147 hours year-on-year; the annual abandonment of wind power was 27.7 billion kWh, a year-on-year decrease of 14.2 billion kWh, and the average abandonment rate was 7%, down 5 percentage points year-on-year. The condition is obviously alleviated.


In 2018, the regions with the highest average utilization hours of wind power across the country were Yunnan (2654 hours), Fujian (2587 hours), Shanghai (2489 hours) and Sichuan (2333 hours).

In 2018, the regions where the curtailment rate exceeded 8% were Xinjiang (23% curtailment rate, 10.7 billion kWh of wind curtailment), Gansu (19% curtailment rate, 5.4 billion kWh of wind curtailment), and Inner Mongolia (wind curtailment rate of 19%). Rate 10%, curtailed wind power 7.2 billion kWh). The total curtailment of wind power in the three provinces (regions) is 23.3 billion kWh, accounting for 84% of the total national curtailment of wind power.